Honestly i thought i was funny when i explained the acronym mentioned below, but in all honesty i didnt realize this project should be called
ggldrv and not dcs,,,, ooops.
it stands for Goo G Le Docs Cuzthat Swhereidecidetohostmyimagesfromnowon
okay okay so i talked briefly about my image hosting strategy in yesterdays daily log, but it was long and laborious so i needed to find a way to automate it. the solution? thisssss, so it took a few trys of different things and by no means is this a great solution, but ehhhhh it works for me sorry im no pro
So the steps for what I did:
- Open the google drive and select the folder
- Run this python program:
import pyautogui, sys, time
from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller
mouse = Controller()
pyautogui.moveTo(1800, 370)
pyautogui.moveTo(428, 680, 2)
for x in range(1,5):
mouse.scroll(0, -50)
pyautogui.moveTo(440, 680, 1)
pyautogui.moveTo(428, 680, 1)
what this program does is selects all the imgs in the folder so i can grab the links, but i still needed to do magic trick to get the links into useable for html, as they are both a big blob of text and full of wrong info, here's the code to sort it out
stroodle = input('paste here: ')
stroodletoodle = stroodle.replace('/view?usp=sharing,%20https://drive.google.com/file/d/',
'"style="width: 664px;"/>\n《img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=')
print('《img src=https:/drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id='
+stroodletoodle +'"style="width: 664px;"/》')
and then the outputted stuff from that goes right into code! works for me. thats this simple inneficient program that helps me upload images for my website.
┈ ren ♡